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Having Problems ?

If you are having any problems with this website, then please read the following notes before contacting us.

Secure Communications

This website uses a secure connection to protect any sensitive information (e.g. your username and password) that is exchanged between you and the server. The secure connection mechanism is the same as that used by on-line banking and shopping sites to protect your account / credit card details.

Using this site through a firewall

If you are accessing this website from a machine on your corporate network, then your internet connection may be protected by a firewall. A firewall is designed to protect your corporate network from malicious attacks from the internet.

It may also be configured to prevent you accessing websites that use secure communications (perhaps to prevent employees shopping on-line during work hours).

If either of the above apply to you, this site will not work correctly. You should contact your systems / network administrator and enquire about the possibility of relaxing these two contraints, or use a machine which is not governed by the firewall.

Technical Support Contact Details

Tel :(01392) 441723
Fax :(01392) 441709
e-mail :